
Regent Law are subdivision experts and are here to help you with the subdivision of your property in Whangarei, the greater Northland area or anywhere else in New Zealand. Contact us now for an assessment of your subdivision requirements.


A subdivisions of land involves resource consent to change a title to land – usually into two or more lots, but also covers adjusting a boundary between lots, or create a way for multiple people to own housing units on the same land.  All subdivisions are different and require co-ordination between the surveyor, Council and lawyers.

It is difficult to accurately estimate the cost to complete a subdivision without reviewing the applicable resource consent and LT Plan and assessing the legal work required.  As a ball park figure, legal fees for subdivisions are commonly around one-third of the surveying costs and commonly are between $6,000 to $10,000 plus GST and disbursements, depending on the complexity and work involved.  Please contact us any time to discuss your requirements and scope out a more actual fee for your specific subdivision.

All subdivision instructions require a retainer payment at the time of engagement.

*Terms and conditions apply.

Types of subdivision POA
Fee simple – division of land into two or more lots
Unit title – create multiple housing units on one piece of land, including common property and body corporate
Conversion of cross-lease title to fee simple
Boundary adjustment – reconfiguration of lot boundaries
Cancellation of amalgamation – separate lots held together by amalgamation order
Additional work POA
Obtain and comply with bank consent / requirements
Preparation and registration of land covenants, easements, encumbrances, consent notices
Surrender or partial surrender of easement
Land to vest in the Crown or Local Authority – e.g. as a reserve or road
Disbursements Price (including GST)
Registration – Order for New Computer Register / Title  $135 per Title
Registration – instruments on Title e.g. easements or surrender of easement $80 each
Registration – resubmission of a rejected instrument $13 each
Searches – Certificate of Title $5 each
Searches – existing instruments registered on Certificate of Title $5 each

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Whangarei Lawyer Regent Law Northland