
18 03, 2025

Refinancing Your Mortgage? Now is the Perfect Time to Save

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If you’ve been thinking about refinancing your mortgage, now might be the best time to take action. With interest rates dropping and banks offering competitive fixed-term rates along with cash incentives to switch, homeowners across New Zealand are finding opportunities to reduce their mortgage payments and put more money back into their pockets. Why Refinance [...]

27 01, 2022

New lending regulations

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You may have heard about the new lending criteria that banks are required to use, after the amendment of the Credit Contracts Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) and the introduction of the Responsible Lending Code that came into effect on 1 December 2021. There have been numerous stories about people being turned down for home loans [...]

26 10, 2021

Property Settlements During COVID-19 Lockdown

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You’ve decided to sell your property. It’s been listed for some time now, and you’ve finally found a buyer. All the conditions have been met and the agreement went unconditional last week. What could go wrong? It’s guaranteed to settle on time right? Wrong. With the emergence of COVID-19 and the corresponding restrictions on travel [...]

19 08, 2021

Hunters poaching on private land

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When hunting, you may find it is difficult to determine the boundary lines between public and private land, particularly as more and more rural land is becoming commercially and privately owned. You may have concerns about what will happen if you accidentally enter private land while hunting, or you may want to know whether you [...]

15 07, 2016

5 Top Tips For Buying Your First Home

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Purchasing your first home can feel like a minefield. There is so much to consider, before you even make an offer. But, please, do not sign a legally binding agreement until you have called us to ensure all of your needs are provided for. Where do you start? 1. Apply for a HomeStart Grant. If [...]

18 09, 2011

Neighbours’ trees blocking your view

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  Some properties have beautiful views.  If you have bought land with a nice view, it makes sense to build your house in a way that takes advantage of that view.  For example, you might put your deck outside of the main living area in the house and position the house so that this main [...]

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