Elder Care

/Elder Care
11 02, 2025

Complicating factors in Enduring Power of Attorney documents

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For your peace of mind, we provide fixed fees for your enduring powers of attorney. Our fixed fee service is based on your instructions and the documents being straight-forward, without any complicating factors.  This means: you are appointing one person with up to two successor attorneys for your personal care and welfare you are appointing [...]

12 12, 2022

Owning your home vs Retirement Village

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While there are many options to spending your retirement life, you may be thinking about entering into an apartment, villa or unit in a retirement village, whichever it may be. A retirement village is an attractive option for many people as it offers a safe and clean environment and a friendly and social community. If [...]

8 10, 2020

Why you would need a Will now

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As time goes on and we go up in age, our mental capacity will eventually deteriorate. Although may take a longer time for some, it will happen to many people. It is an unfortunate, yet an unavoidable part of life. This is a big reason why it is important to be proactive, and take action [...]

26 06, 2011

What happens if you die without a will?

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  If you don’t have a will when you die, your estate will be divided in the way set out in the Administration Act.  As a result, your property may not go to the people or charities that you would have wanted to benefit from your estate. Any property you own jointly with another person [...]

23 08, 2010

Enduring power of attorney witnessing requirements – law change

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Since 2008 the witnessing requirements for enduring powers of attorney have been very strict. Due to a potential conflict of interest the law required the donor (the person appointing the attorney) to have their signature witnessed by a lawyer who is independent of the attorney. That meant that a lawyer who acts for both the [...]

28 04, 2010

Government assists elderly in need of care

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In the current economic climate any extra financial assistance can help make ends meet. If you or someone you know is part of the baby boomer bubble that we so often hear about and is about to enter a rest home, that person may be able to get financial help from the government. In this [...]

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