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26 06, 2011

What happens if you die without a will?

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  If you don’t have a will when you die, your estate will be divided in the way set out in the Administration Act.  As a result, your property may not go to the people or charities that you would have wanted to benefit from your estate. Any property you own jointly with another person [...]

19 06, 2011

Contracting out of the equal sharing rules relating to relationship property

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The rules around how property will be divided if a relationship breaks down are set out in the Property (Relationships) Act 1976.  The idea is that spouses and partners are expected to share equally in the fruits of their relationship. If you don’t want those equal sharing rules to apply to your property, then you [...]

14 06, 2011

How to cancel a lease when your commercial tenant stops paying rent

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This article is about what you should and shouldn't do when enforcing your commercial lease against a tenant that has defaulted on their rent payments or another condition of the lease. Do not: Do not take matters into your own hands. Do not physically remove the tenant or the tenant’s property or change the locks. [...]

6 06, 2011

Debt collection 101: demand payment

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Someone owes you money and you want to be paid.  You may have lent them money or they may owe it to you under an agreement e.g. unpaid rent, or goods supplied on credit.  How do you get the money from them?  Can you make them pay?  A common first step to recover a debt [...]

29 05, 2011

Trustees’ Duties

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The duties of trustees of a charitable trust are contained in the trust deed, Trustees Act 1956, Charitable Trusts Act 1957 and Charities Act 2005.  The duties continue until the trustee resigns, although in certain circumstances they can continue after resignation. The primary duties of a trustee are to: comply with the terms of the [...]

29 05, 2011

Trustee Liability – Charitable Trusts

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The Trustees of the board of an incorporated charitable trust are generally not personally liable to the creditors of the trust. Charitable trusts can be incorporated under the Charitable Trusts Act 1956.  An incorporated charitable trust is a separate legal entity and is liable for the obligations of the trust.  Unless the trustees expressly undertake [...]

22 05, 2011

Debt collection 101: register a security interest over goods sold on credit

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In business the most important thing is your bottom line.  You need to get paid.  The best way to do that is to only accept cash.  Unfortunately that does not work for everyone who is in trade, some businesses need to take goods and/or services on credit in order to keep operating. It makes more [...]

15 05, 2011

Borrowing explained: loans, mortgages and guarantees

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Borrowing money When you get a loan, the bank will usually require a mortgage and guarantee. The loan relates to the amount of money you are borrowing from the bank and contains the bank’s lending terms that you have agreed to, such as the interest rate, repayment plan and the security required by the bank. [...]

20 04, 2011

Watery worries over low laying land

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Winter is coming and so is the rain. If you own low laying land, you may be wondering how much run off you must endure from the higher land owners. Owners of higher land (that is being or has been built on) are obliged to construct a drainage system that will dispose of surface water [...]

20 03, 2011

Fed up with noisy neighbours? What you can do to stop the noise

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Having noisy neighbours is a real problem. Not only is it annoying, it can have a serious effect on your health and your business. Read on to find out what (legal) steps you can take to put a stop to the excessive noise created by your neighbours. Overview Although you cannot evict neighbours from their [...]

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