Articles (by us)

/Articles (by us)/
11 02, 2025

Complicating factors in Enduring Power of Attorney documents

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For your peace of mind, we provide fixed fees for your enduring powers of attorney. Our fixed fee service is based on your instructions and the documents being straight-forward, without any complicating factors.  This means: you are appointing one person with up to two successor attorneys for your personal care and welfare you are appointing [...]

12 12, 2022

Owning your home vs Retirement Village

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While there are many options to spending your retirement life, you may be thinking about entering into an apartment, villa or unit in a retirement village, whichever it may be. A retirement village is an attractive option for many people as it offers a safe and clean environment and a friendly and social community. If [...]

4 10, 2022

Review of trust documents in light of the new Trusts Act 2019

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We wrote to existing clients of our law firm in Whangarei to tell them about the new Trusts Act, which has rules that will apply to their trusts.  We have reproduced much of that information below for ease of reference. If you have not already done so, we recommend your trust documents are now reviewed [...]

12 03, 2022

What happens to property when your spouse dies?

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So you’ve signed a contracting out agreement (“agreement”) (commonly referred to as a “prenup”). What happens if the worst occurs and your partner dies? While the contracting out agreement will still apply, it may be limited. That is, other sections of the Property (Relationships) Act 1976 (“the Act”) may override the agreement. Let’s take a [...]

27 01, 2022

New lending regulations

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You may have heard about the new lending criteria that banks are required to use, after the amendment of the Credit Contracts Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) and the introduction of the Responsible Lending Code that came into effect on 1 December 2021. There have been numerous stories about people being turned down for home loans [...]

30 11, 2021

Visiting Regent Law under the traffic light system

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As you will be aware, we are all moving to a COVID-19 traffic light system this Friday, 3 December 2021. To ensure we can stay open as business and keep our team and community safe, anyone wishing to enter our office will be required to show their My Vaccine Pass. In addition to this, we [...]

26 10, 2021

Property Settlements During COVID-19 Lockdown

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You’ve decided to sell your property. It’s been listed for some time now, and you’ve finally found a buyer. All the conditions have been met and the agreement went unconditional last week. What could go wrong? It’s guaranteed to settle on time right? Wrong. With the emergence of COVID-19 and the corresponding restrictions on travel [...]

19 08, 2021

Hunters poaching on private land

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When hunting, you may find it is difficult to determine the boundary lines between public and private land, particularly as more and more rural land is becoming commercially and privately owned. You may have concerns about what will happen if you accidentally enter private land while hunting, or you may want to know whether you [...]

2 12, 2020

The Family Protection Act

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Having a “falling out” with a family member is not uncommon, but what are your obligations to your children, if the falling out is one that makes you consider removing them from your Will is justifiable? A recent client instructed us to prepare a new will which made no provision for her son, instead leaving [...]

8 10, 2020

Why you would need a Will now

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As time goes on and we go up in age, our mental capacity will eventually deteriorate. Although may take a longer time for some, it will happen to many people. It is an unfortunate, yet an unavoidable part of life. This is a big reason why it is important to be proactive, and take action [...]

Whangarei Lawyer Regent Law Northland