
Regent Law are estate planning experts and are here to help you with your will and asset protection in Whangarei, the greater Northland area or in fact anywhere in New Zealand. We are also here to help you with reaching a suitable outcome for the succession and inheritance of your property by your loved ones. Book an appointment online now for a strategy session of absolutely anything property and legal related.


The prices below indicate the average range and base rate you can expect to pay for a standard will.  Please contact us any time to discuss your requirements and scope out a more actual fee for your specific circumstances.

All Will instructions require a retainer payment at the time of engagement.

*All price exclude GST and disbursements.

**Terms and conditions apply.

Service Standard Price
Simple wills – ranging from leaving everything to one person to inclusion of specific gifts, life interests, trustee appointment, multiple beneficiaries, appointment of guardians, funeral instructions. $400 to $600
Complex Will – including simple will instructions (as above) with add ons for business interests, share purchase options, charitable bequests, lengthy or complicated instructions, relationship property considerations.  Fee is based on time spent. $1,200
Estate planning session and advice $400 per hour
Memorandum of Guidance to the trustees of your family trust See Trusts
 Advance medical directive / living will  See EPOAs

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Why you would need a Will now

As time goes on and we go up in age, our mental capacity will eventually deteriorate. Although may take a longer time for some, it will happen to many people. It is an unfortunate, yet [...]

Whangarei Lawyer Regent Law Northland