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So far issy has created 53 blog entries.
4 10, 2022

Review of trust documents in light of the new Trusts Act 2019

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We wrote to existing clients of our law firm in Whangarei to tell them about the new Trusts Act, which has rules that will apply to their trusts.  We have reproduced much of that information below for ease of reference. If you have not already done so, we recommend your trust documents are now reviewed [...]

30 11, 2021

Visiting Regent Law under the traffic light system

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As you will be aware, we are all moving to a COVID-19 traffic light system this Friday, 3 December 2021. To ensure we can stay open as business and keep our team and community safe, anyone wishing to enter our office will be required to show their My Vaccine Pass. In addition to this, we [...]

19 08, 2021

Hunters poaching on private land

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When hunting, you may find it is difficult to determine the boundary lines between public and private land, particularly as more and more rural land is becoming commercially and privately owned. You may have concerns about what will happen if you accidentally enter private land while hunting, or you may want to know whether you [...]

2 12, 2020

The Family Protection Act

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Having a “falling out” with a family member is not uncommon, but what are your obligations to your children, if the falling out is one that makes you consider removing them from your Will is justifiable? A recent client instructed us to prepare a new will which made no provision for her son, instead leaving [...]

5 12, 2017

Terms and Conditions of Trade

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Preparing T&Cs for a business is one of my MOST favourite things as I really get to delve into a business and get to know the ins and outs. T&Cs are your contract with your customers, telling them basically how you are going to transact with them and setting the basis for your relationship. In [...]

15 07, 2016

5 Top Tips For Buying Your First Home

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Purchasing your first home can feel like a minefield. There is so much to consider, before you even make an offer. But, please, do not sign a legally binding agreement until you have called us to ensure all of your needs are provided for. Where do you start? 1. Apply for a HomeStart Grant. If [...]

17 05, 2012

Starting a business

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Starting a business is an exciting time. Your motivation is high, you are bursting with ideas and eager to get on with developing a successful and prosperous business. Planning is important at this early stage. Once you have determined the viability of your business concept and you are ready to set up your business you [...]

17 05, 2012

Protecting your personal property from business creditors

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When you are in business you want to expose your personal property to as little risk as possible. This is one of the reasons for setting up a separate legal entity for your business, such as an incorporated company, and for keeping your personal affairs and finances completely separate from your business. Shareholder liability When [...]

18 09, 2011

Neighbours’ trees blocking your view

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  Some properties have beautiful views.  If you have bought land with a nice view, it makes sense to build your house in a way that takes advantage of that view.  For example, you might put your deck outside of the main living area in the house and position the house so that this main [...]

3 07, 2011

Use of your companies’ names

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Many people have registered limited liability companies, yet operate under separate trading names. It is prudent to ensure that your business cards and every written communication used or sent by, or on behalf of, any of your businesses have the relevant company’s proper legal name on them. If you do not do this then your [...]

Whangarei Lawyer Regent Law Northland